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Re: loss of money deposited
Posted by ballroomchick
3/14/2013  1:45:00 PM
That happened to me. My instructor honored ALL of his student's paid lessons. He wanted to KEEP his students and we all followed him to a new location. The only thing we were out was the hourly dance floor fees to the new studio. I think it was only a few of his competitive students who had 20 or so lessons paid up. When your taking 3 or 4 times a week those go fast. Most had way fewer than that.

I would think a good instructor would do this than try to start from scratch somewhere else.

I guess I would go in and take as many of those lessons each week as possible. Then I would ask your instructor would honor any left over lesson so you could follow him to a new location.
Re: loss of money deposited
Posted by ladydance
3/16/2013  6:42:00 AM
I would ask my instructor if he is still getting paid. If he is then it might be a good idea to get in as many lessons as possible. Otherwise, there isn't much you can do, other than be very wary of buying a large package up front ever again. Two studios have gone out of business in my area. My studio has been in business the longest - 20 years - and is no danger. Even still, we don't offer anything more than a 10 lesson package.
Re: loss of money deposited
Posted by Clary
3/16/2013  1:50:00 PM
Check to see if your State of residence as a Dance Studio Act. If so, it may have provisions in it that could help you. For instance, in my state of residence, dance studios and dance instructors who sell more than $X worth of lessons in advance are required to post a bond with the State - to protect students in the event that a studio/instructor closes shop and doesn't return the money it holds in unused lessons. And if a studio/instructor fails to post the bond with the state, and doesn't return money it owes - well, it could lead to some serious consequences for that studio/instructor.
Each state is different - maybe yours has an Act like that, maybe not. But it might be worth your while to check.
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