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LaDuca Dance & Character Shoes Store Credit
Posted by DanceMama
3/27/2013  11:00:00 AM
Hello dancers!

I have a LaDuca Shoes store credit in the amount of $283.08. I am looking to sell this credit, and would be willing to part with it for $225.00, OBO. LaDuca shoes are the creme de la creme of dance footwear. Their products are never on sale and they do not offer discounts. So let's help each other out!

Due of their policies, store credits cannot be transferred to another person. Therefore, we would need to come up with an arrangement (most likely, me purchasing the shoes on your behalf with the credit, and then shipping them to you, in exchange for a PayPal payment or bank transfer.)

If interested, we must arrange a phone call to discuss specifics, and establish a trustful arrangement that feels comfortable for us both.

Hope to hear from you soon! Call or text 773-332-0883
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