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Re: Amateur/Pro status
Posted by ballroomchick
7/17/2013  9:41:00 AM
Once you've accepted payment for lessons you are considered a professional.

Dance Pro/Am until you up your game or you should be dancing Rising Star.

I know 1 couple who tried dancing Pro/Am and both taught lessons for years. She considered a beginner since she had never danced Standard. Both of them took so much flack from the rest of the dance community they didn't try it again. The comp was more than happy to take their money to dance what ever division they wanted.
Re: Amateur/Pro status
Posted by novemberecho
7/17/2013  9:50:00 AM
I know several amateur dancers who teach and accept payment for teaching lessons, and compete as amateurs.
Re: Amateur/Pro status
Posted by ellijo
7/17/2013  11:58:00 AM
Thanks for the replies. She has not worked in any kind of ballroom environment since the early nineties, and doesn't have any professional affiliation now. I just wondered if there was an "expiration date" on pro status.
Re: Amateur/Pro status
Posted by anymouse
7/17/2013  7:09:00 PM
The idea that being paid to teach makes you a pro is several years out of date in the US, and even longer out of date in most of the rest of the world - it's a well known fact that most amateurs competing in the highest levels earn the majority of their income teaching. The rules now recognize that - amateur competitors can teach; they just cannot call themselves professional or enter pro/am events with their students. Also, the students who participate in pro/am are NOT permitted to teach - a stricter rule than applies to those events than to the amateur/amateur events.

Most organizations would allow someone who was a declared professional years ago but who has been inactive since to compete as an amateur today; the only question is if they would have to formally apply for reinstatement. Reinstatement is usually only allowed once in a lifetime - you can't keep switching back and forth.
Re: Amateur/Pro status
Posted by ellijo
7/19/2013  6:31:00 PM
That's very helpful Anonymouse, thank you.
Re: Amateur/Pro status
Posted by lorenabravo
7/22/2013  12:49:00 PM
Hi ellijo,

I know of at least 2 amateurs who were formerly professionals at chain schools. Neither did anything to regain their amateur status other than not compete for 6 months and then enter as an amateur. I have heard (second hand, so I would try to verify this first) that by simply ceasing to compete and teach for six months, one can reapply for amateur status. Now, where one goes to get said amateur status, I have no idea.

If you have been out of the dance scene since the 90's, I doubt anyone will recognize you, much less give you a hard time about your former profession. That begin said, I would contact the NDCA and USA Dance and pose your questions for them and see what they say regarding making your amateur status official. My guess is that they will simply tell you to enter as an am, don't compete in pro-am as the pro, and that will be that.

Good luck with this, and let us know if you find out anything that contradicts what we're telling you!
Re: Amateur/Pro status
Posted by O.K.
7/22/2013  10:49:00 PM
It seems to be in which country you live in. I know of one top overseas amateur couple who were competing in Melbourne a few years ago. It was advertised that they would be available for lessons. Also here there have been couples who we reinstated. Look up the Rule Book which can be found on the internet . I seem to remember that something is written about this subject
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