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Re: Newbie Dancing Question: 'Placholder' Moves?
Posted by ladydance
8/27/2013  1:44:00 PM
I have been dancing for 10 years and working in a studio for 5 and I have never heard of 'placeholder' moves. We teach the steps needed to dance around the room either socially or competitively. We also emphasize technique, footwork and posture. Could you tell me what exactly a placeholder move is?
Re: Newbie Dancing Question: 'Placholder' Moves?
Posted by beentheredonethat
9/1/2013  7:47:00 AM
I really feel bad for you.... another person suckered into an overpriced Arthur Murray contract. If you have not already figured out, most of the instuctors there are undertrained/have no indept knowledge of what they are teaching.

My advice....... find an independant school that has teachers with credentials(istd), someone who is or has been a competitor(And Arthur Murray sactioned competitions don't count.)

This will save you a lot of frustration/dissapointment/ and money.

All the best to you.
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