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Re: Arthur Murray Showcase
Posted by michelle
10/3/2013  1:43:00 AM
i am an instructor myself but i teach independently. a professional response to your concern is tduhat no matter where toy go as far a studio, it will be expensive to prepare for both a showcase and/ or a competition.we ( instructors) put un lots of work mentally and physically to personalize everything we do dance related for you.if you research the ballroom industry, it costs a considerable amount of money to participate in these events. and of course it is a business so they are going to charge. you need to put more work into a showcase than regular social dancing. professional dancers train 6 hours a day 5 days a week affidavits why they look so good. your lessons are probably about 45 mins which doesn't exactly give you all the time to polish. so yes 10 or lessons may be needed.
Re: Arthur Murray Showcase
Posted by Armand06
10/7/2013  11:38:00 AM
Hi there

I am a dance teacher and it is advisable to let you teacher know that you don't feel ready. Ask the dance director to do a performance check for you and if he feels that you are ready for the level that you dancing at then enjoy and have fun. We as teachers do like new students to do showcases even in the beginning stages as it helps the learner to progress faster and put in more practices. If you want to speed up progress in your dancing do as many showcase a year as you can and you will see the benefits very quickly. Arthur and Murray Teachers are well trained and will not lead you down the wrong path.

Hope this helps


Armand Mynhardt-Joubert
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