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Re: Slow motion
Posted by arkashad
3/29/2014  6:11:00 PM
I think slow motion videos would be of huge value! Even if you take the existing videos and play them back at half speed, or perform them at slower speed. I know it is a huge effort dance the entire curriculum at slow speed, but for beginner dancers like me, it is extremely helpful to see the detail of steps as they need to be performed. Heel-Toe step, or position of partners. If you want to site to be really useful as a learning tool, this is what is absolutely missing! Thanks.
Re: Slow motion
Posted by Administrator
3/30/2014  9:08:00 AM
Hi Arkashad,

Take a look at one of our teaching videos. Once you see where we're headed, you may decide that slow motion isn't necessary. When the man and lady each take the time to explain every step in detail, one by one, that's about the slowest motion you could ask for. :)

Here is a page with 3 samples:

At any rate, as I mentioned in an earlier post, we're not ruling out slow motion yet. We're going to release the bronze level instructional videos, and then see how demand holds up.

Re: Slow motion
Posted by arkashad
3/30/2014  5:20:00 PM
The instructional break down videos look great! Keep them coming, please. For now, where can we see what is already there? The few samples definitely makes us want more. Thanks.
Re: Slow motion
Posted by olderpartner
3/30/2014  5:51:00 PM
It is possible to download the videos so they can be played with a player such as VLC or Quicktime with speed control. Real Player Downloader can be configured to link to the browser and identify videos played in the browser. These can subsequently be downloaded and stored locally. I believe this application is available for both Mac and Windows systems.
Regards, Ted
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