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Re: Remedy for bad smelling dance shoes
Posted by O. K.
9/14/2014  8:11:00 PM
Bi Carb of Soda. Which is Baking Soda. Put a dash in your shoes after use.
Re: Remedy for bad smelling dance shoes
Posted by Telemark
9/16/2014  5:41:00 AM
Soap is even better. Clean feet don't smell.
Re: Remedy for bad smelling dance shoes
Posted by ladydance
9/17/2014  5:42:00 AM
Clean feet do smell, just like armpits, when they get sweaty. I have found the best way to get rid of the odor in my satin standard shoes is to wash them with antibacterial soap and put them out in the sun to dry.
Re: Remedy for bad smelling dance shoes
Posted by pakarinen
9/22/2014  11:33:00 AM
I'm experimenting with putting a bar of deodorant soap in a "soap sock", or whatever those plastic mesh bags are called, in each shoe. Seems to help and I'm reluctant to put my dance shoes in the oven at 120 F for 30 minutes like some people have suggested.

Fresh Wave did nothing at all; there's a deodorant aerosol that DSW sells that does some good.

I also have a bar of rock salt which is supposed to inhibit bacterial growth when rubbed on damp feet - haven't tried that yet.

I also might try a car deodorizer hangy thing in each shoe - those are usually powerful enough to give me a whopper of a headache so they might do the trick.

Lysol spray?

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