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Re: BDC Mobile and iOS8
Posted by jongleur9418
9/25/2014  8:02:00 PM

it works! Thank you for being so resposive! Please let me know if I can help any other way!
Re: BDC Mobile and iOS8
Posted by jongleur9418
9/25/2014  8:17:00 PM
By the way, actually the playback of the BDC videos has no problem in its full site with iOS 8. But it would be very hard to give up the mobile version.
Re: BDC Mobile and iOS8
Posted by Administrator
9/25/2014  9:18:00 PM
I have another update for you:

After only a day, a Google search for "iOS 8 won't play video" has several more pages of relevant results than yesterday. The consensus of these results is that there does indeed seem to be a bug that prevents the display of HTML5 embedded video in iOS 8, but only when you've saved the mobile website to your home screen as a mobile web app. It seems (and please verify this if you would) that if you open mobile Safari and navigate to our mobile site at https://mobile.ballroomdancers.com/, the video will play there.

It's not ideal, but it's a decent workaround, and will do the job until Apple fixes the issue.

Re: BDC Mobile and iOS8
Posted by jongleur9418
9/26/2014  11:23:00 AM
Yes, it seems to be the case for now: we will have to use the mobile version through Safari. Not ideal but still better than searching the BDC full site on an iPhone screen. I will keep checking on the bug issue too. Please let me know if you have new solutions.

Thank you very much for the effort!
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