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Re: professional latin competing???
Posted by chacha2341
11/26/2014  1:09:00 AM
Thank u for response. Could i have any more information on these two societies please? Anymore tips on best way to find a partner? X
Re: professional latin competing???
Posted by O.K.
11/28/2014  6:40:00 AM
Once as a Professional Competitor you would join the W.D.C. As an Amateur you would join the W.D.S.F.. Then the W.D.S.F. decided to start a Professional branch of the Society.So in response the W.D.C. started a Amateur branch of its Society. I wont name which one but one of those Societies then said if you take part in any event run by the other even if you were only a program seller you would be banned from dancing in anything they run. That is why at Blackpool many would be competitors do not enter. There is a lot more to this story. I will leave it at that.
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