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Re: Music
Posted by Voco
9/22/2015  7:16:00 PM
Hi Terence2,

Yes you did. Thanks. It is clear that the supplier you suggested is legit.

I did not express myself clearly. I was looking for a way to find out what some of these unusual, often foreign looking, websites are legitimate. I found one that had the song I wanted, offering it free in MP3, but I did not downloaded it because I was not sure if it was legal, and was worried about the possible virus threat.

In other words, my impression is that just because it is free it could be legitimate, as long as it is not used for commercial purposes. But I am not sure. If you could throw some light on this, I would much appreciate it.
Re: Music
Posted by terence2
9/25/2015  12:22:00 AM
The "free" part at descarga.com is "listening " .

As to actually downloading "free" songs, I would personally hesitate to do so. Being a DJ ( as well as teaching ),I like most DJs, frown upon the free concept..... reason ?.. musicians are never consulted or compensated,, and gain no reward for their efforts.

I'm NOT against "free" stuff, but as they say " there aint any free lunches " .

I would also say that, I think Jonathon is commendable for the access he gives to vids, with no cost .
Re: Music
Posted by Voco
9/24/2015  11:12:00 PM
Hi Terence2,

Jonathan is also doing a great service by providing this forum for experienced as well as beginner dancers alike. Dancing is a complex sport, or art, and exchanging ideas is very helpful.
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