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Re: Shoe Recommendations
Posted by ballroomchick
5/6/2016  2:59:00 PM
So do you like the feel of the T-strap shoe or just the look of it?

Your still growing so your balance will continue to change.

Have you also thought about going into a thicker heel? - NOT a Cuban heel - a thicker ballroom heel. Yulia Zaoruychenico competes in the thickets heels she can find for stability. Only in the final round does she change into a refined heel. She's a professional champion dancer.

Where are you located? U.S., Europe? Just kinda easier to know where to send you for shoes.

Re: Shoe Recommendations
Posted by saracheah
5/8/2016  3:41:00 PM
I prefer a "x" strap or the one that crosses. I have never danced with a T-strap. I don't know what brands provide a thicker heel as a choice, just the flared or slim heels. I am located in the US.
Re: Shoe Recommendations
Posted by ballroomchick
5/8/2016  4:33:00 PM
May I suggest you check out Karizmah Dance Shoes. They carry a LOT of different brands of shoes such Diamont, Eckse, Supadance, Souldancer, Very Fine etc.

Here is their web site:

If you have a "normal" size foot, (not narrow, not wide) I would suggest you try their KB shoes (store brand, which are Souldancer stock). These have a really nice amount of padding and they can come in a bunch of different heel heights and widths. All of these shoes run $100, a little more if you do a special order.

Shoes in the $69.95 range are Very Fine brand. Not a bad shoe, their Competitive Dancer shoe has a bit more padding and runs about $80.

The reason I'm suggesting you go through the store, is it's WAY easier to return the shoe here than to brand source web site. As long as the shoes is NOT danced in, you can return them. The store does a LOT of mail orders. Feel free to chat via e-mail or by phone to get a better feel of what to order. ALL the ladies here are GREAT shoe fitters!
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