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Re: Worst part of dance?
Posted by noquacks
5/31/2016  5:51:00 PM
Varies with person, but for me worst part is not doing the advised 2-3 hours of practice PER hour of dance instruction/lesson. Without that committment you are not benefiting/maximizing your learning capability.

We have done that pretty much religiously (Im not religious, LOL), but its starting to taper off.
Re: Worst part of dance?
Posted by ballroomchick
6/2/2016  10:49:00 AM
The worst part of dance when I FIRST started working smooth, was giving up control - trusting my male partner had my back and would not run me into anything/anyone.

When I became comfortable with this and wanted to move beyond social dancing what was really difficult was learn proper technique, the step patterns, keeping the foot work small. I always felt like I had a giant arm full of small rubber balls that represented everything. I was always dropping a few no matter what I did. However, as time went by the basics were ingrained into muscle memory. I had fewer and fewer of those rubber balls to hold on to/worry about.

You know what IS great? When you helping in a beginner group class and your instructor asks you to do some dance move improperly - and you just can not do it your body will not allow it!
Re: Worst part of dance?
Posted by TundraDancingGal
6/5/2016  4:08:00 PM
I have another one: not being able to dance as much as you want to! Maybe you don't have a partner, or there aren't many opportunities in your community, or you're trying to recover from an injury, or it's just a bit too expensive right then. I'm finally feeling comfortable enough to get out and dance more, but circumstances are making it a bit tough. So you go from "I can't dance" to "I sort of know how to dance, but too scared to do it" to "I CAN dance, but I now can't do it."
Re: Worst part of dance?
Posted by carlastjohn56
6/11/2016  4:30:00 PM
Halitosis. I can deal with just about anything else.
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