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Re: choosing the right dance steps for a song
Posted by nloftofan1
10/4/2016  1:03:00 PM
You can learn to dance in two weeks--if you do what the celebrities on "Dancing With the Stars" do. Are you willing to work with a pro for a minimum of six hours a day, seven days a week? And can your budget for the wedding handle that?
Re: choosing the right dance steps for a song
Posted by socialdancer
10/4/2016  3:25:00 AM
You do indeed have a very short time to practice, but it is too late now to tell you that you should have started planning the dance when they started planning the wedding.

I suggest looking at some basic salsa/mambo steps, danced slowly.
Basics kept small and on the spot during the quiet periods of the song, then burst into breaks, turns, spins, whatever you fancy during the chorus.

Just try to relax, ignore everyone else, and go with the music. Remember to smile!

Good luck!
Re: choosing the right dance steps for a song
Posted by ladydance
10/5/2016  1:34:00 PM
One other thing, as a manager of a dance studio, I see this request all the time. One thing I can say with certainty, is that your son doesn't want to dance with you. Sons never do, they are nervous enough to dance with their fiancee and the added pressure and embarassment of dancing with Mom is more than they can handle. So they agree two weeks before the wedding and then make excuses why they can't show up to the lesson until it's too late. I've seen Moms reschedule over and over again and I just want to tell them to let the poor kid off the hook.
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