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Re: Hustle Technique
Posted by dancestyles
6/27/2017  2:45:00 PM
Disco is not a partners dance, it essentially two disconnected humans on a floor waving their arms around.
Latin Hustle is a VERY connected partners dance, and complicated in the hands of the competant. Quite beautiful too.

By claiming that "Hustle is disco", you have admitted that you have no idea what you are talking about.
Re: Hustle Technique
Posted by dancestyles
6/27/2017  2:50:00 PM
There is no "tap left" or "tap right" in Latin Hustle!
Where is this coming from???
Why are people just making stuff up and posting on this blog?

There are plenty of videos of world champions out there to prove it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cPt0AuX-TM
Re: Hustle Technique
Posted by
7/5/2017  1:46:00 AM

The original latin hustle as taught in the 70s ( I attended the 1st Prof only mini congress in Fla) the "dance " was agreed upon, from structural point, was very close to WCS, and a " Tap" was the commencing movement as in Tap step in place for man and lady then moving into a horizontal plane ( a coaster ).

So.. what you are seeing today, is a version that makes false claims in name.

Re vamping original dance forms. is invariably a marketing tool. This has happened in Mambo ( to salsa ) and T/Arg has more styles than I can count.

Even Bachata ,has now become re organised. A

nd do you not realise that, ALL the Intern style BR dances, bare little resemblance to the originals
Re: Hustle Technique
Posted by terence2
7/9/2017  4:43:00 AM

The original format ( from 1978/9 ) DOES have a tap. The dance commences with an in place on 1 ! followed by ( in place ) tap on 2, hence its name, 2 being the break step in Mambo and Cha, and the syncopation that follows ( 3 and 4) is the timing of Guajira .

it is also danced more laterally than slot style .

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