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Fear, Intimidation, and the General Presence of Impending Doom
Posted by Andrew
8/9/1999  6:08:00 AM
Gee... After all those years of watching Juliet Prowse on PBS, I finally decided to take a step toward learning to dance. After viewing the avi's on this site, there may be TOO many steps in learning to dance.

That's the tricky thing about grace. it makes the difficult look so pleasantly easy. Maybe I can just stand at the side in a crisp tuxedo and pretend my date's in the powder room.

re: Fear, Intimidation, and the General Presence of Impending Doom
Posted by BDC Webmaster
8/9/1999  6:10:00 AM

As with just about any other skill, trade, or subject, the learning of dancing should be approached step-by-step. Don't set your sights so far down the road... keep your focus on what's directly in front of you... and the learning of this or any other skill will not seem so intimidating.

In more concrete terms: Don't worry about all of the dance steps that there are to learn in the world. Pick one or two dances, and learn just the first 3 steps in these dances only. That's just enough to get you moving around the floor. Ignore the rest of the steps and dances for now (Just because they're here, doesn't mean you have to use them).

Jonathan Atkinson, Webmaster

re: Fear, Intimidation, and the General Presence of Impending Doom
Posted by Weddingdance
8/9/1999  6:11:00 AM
Hi Andrew, I agree with Jonathan's reply. Also, when taking private lessons, a good teacher will be able to proceed at your own pace of learning. Good luck!
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