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re: Hey Ballroomers come and see if you have what it takes
Posted by Bit-Uneasy
11/17/2003  7:31:00 AM
Dude, you need first to go back to school and learn to spell!!!
re: Hey Ballroomers come and see if you have what it takes
Posted by Terd Ferguson
11/18/2003  11:55:00 PM
It is my opinion that one can express him or herself through many differnt mediums, whether it be dance or clever use of language. I find it in bad taste that someone would be so inclined to poke fun at anyone who has the courage to post on this site despite their poor grammar or spelling. Give Big-Sexy some credit for being who Big-Sexy want to be Dancing to me is an expression of deep routed emotions that come out through movement and is paired with music and a true dancer is one who can find and control these emotions and deliver them in a carefuly contrived way to make an audience feel the same way. Whether the performance is for one or one million, the feeling of the dance must be felt by the intended viewer or participant. This is something that can't be faked otherwise it is not going to be truly appreciated. Dance to celebrate what life is all about and the rest will come naturally. The best dancers know this but don't always share this secret with the rest of the dancing world. In short .... just dance and be happy.
re: Hey Ballroomers come and see if you have what it takes
Posted by KC
11/18/2003  10:51:00 PM
LOL...for our international readers..."Aight" is a US slang term generally pronounced
"Awe-ite" It is just an infinitely more "cool" or street savvy way of "Alright" or "All right"

One might be more generous...and say that our hip-hop friend's vernacular is an extension of his creative expression...another tool (in addition to hip-hop dance) being used to color outside the proverbial box.

Simply because he chooses to be _unique_ in his wording...he doesn't necessarily have to be uneducated. Besides, I find that he had an insightful question, regardless of the terminology.

Loosen up ya'll.
Re: re: Hey Ballroomers come and see if you have w
Posted by Ashia L.
5/2/2006  6:35:00 AM
Hi i was searching for sites and sources about dancing and emotions and yours was one of them. I wanted to know how do you feel when you dance and if u know any history on dancing then could you plzzz let me know some of them sry this is so long its that sometimes a computer cant give u all the info u may need so plz i'm only 12 but i luv 2 dance so reply plz at lilmomma-leo@hotmail.com k thanxx
Re: re: Hey Ballroomers come and see if you have w
Posted by macha
5/2/2006  11:41:00 PM
plz= Learn to Spell. (please)

Come on, people... this isn't MySpace.
Re: re: Hey Ballroomers come and see if you have w
Posted by B.U.-ballroom underground
3/30/2008  12:32:00 PM
Yo Hip HOpper... wazzz up! I checked out what you had to say and I gotta tell you man... I think your opinion is tight!

I have seen the differences in ballroom and latin dancing... and yeah it's true you can fusion together two styles...

CHa CHa and Funk or Hip Hop are a good example of keeping dance authentic and genuine from the soul.... FUNK..... and then still magnify the funk out of it with a clean dance frame ... BALLRROOM... and a synergy between you and your partner to keep the grind going.. ya knaw what I mean playa!... in otherwords i dig your vibe on keeping in open mind to where dance can go... anyways... i just came on your presentation and I felt compeled to hola back!


~X from B.U. Academy
(Ballroom Underground Dance Academy)

Feel free to hit me up any time at leox68@gmail.com
Re: re: Hey Ballroomers come and see if you have w
Posted by ladytan25
3/30/2008  3:29:00 PM
I agree with Macha, this is not myspace, IM or texting. So please, let's be adults and not act like it is.

As a musician and dancer I also agree with the comments about feeling the music. Real, serious, musicians do exactly the same thing when practicing or performing. We feel the music within ourselves and express it through our instrument or voice.
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