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cabaret/formation routines
Posted by DGenX829
10/27/1999  10:38:00 AM
Hi, I'm organizing a formation routine and possibly cabaret for competition in January, I was wondering if anyone knows where I can get information on the rules for cabaret. I already know the rules about formation routines. What I really need to know is if it's OK to mix styles in cabaret (like smooth with latin). I've never done one of these before, so it's rather confusing. if you can answer the question, great, but I'd really like to find sites with all the information on them (and USABDA didn't help).


re: cabaret/formation routines
Posted by Jonathan Atkinson
10/29/1999  2:45:00 AM

I'd suggest the NDCA rulebook or website, also. But it is my understanding that there is no restriction on music style in cabaret. I see medleys all the time, not to mention some styles which can't really be defined as smooth, latin, or otherwise.

They only care about the length of the song.

I hope this helps.

Jonathan Atkinson

re: cabaret/formation routines
Posted by weddingdance
10/28/1999  11:09:00 AM
Hi Alicia,
Did you try the NDCA, National Dance Council of America?
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