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Re: Grooming - Competive
Posted by phil.samways
8/26/2004  7:51:00 AM
I meant to ask anonymous in my earlier posting - - would you please post some of the other snippets in that article??
Re: Grooming - Competive
Posted by Angel
8/26/2004  4:51:00 PM
What magazine do you subscribe to ?I'm JUST beginning and would like great mags to read.
Re: Grooming - Competive
Posted by guest
8/26/2004  6:08:00 PM
It seems to help if you start experimenting with your hair and makeup early in your newcomer days. It's not such a big deal if you're a newcomer and your makeup looks a bit off, and your fake hair bun falls off and lays on the dance floor like a small dead rodent. You will know to use stronger pins and hair spray next time. It all looks like cute "Oops" in newcomer. It doesn't ruin the picture as much. If you happened to not compete in your early dancing days and you are emerging into Novice or higher level right away, I suggest you try out your hair and makeup in practice session. Ask your coach's opinion. Videotape yourself.

As for Amateur Dancers Magazine (which you will be receiving for free if you register with USABDA as an Amateur Competitor) I found it a liiile "pointed" in some places. Don't get discouraged. For example, I was reading an article in the same mag by a woman describing her experience in first two competitions. She says that the first comp she didn't know what to wear, and she wore a department-store dress. So she went to vendors at the same competition (!) and purchased a ballgown. It initiated all sorts of thoughts for me: "Are they saying that she is an example to follow? I can't do it because I'm a college student and can't afford a brand-new ballgown from a vendor. She may be a good example but I simply can't do it! Are they discouraging me from dancing?" "There is nothing wrong with a department store dress for a newcomer level. I've seen enough competitions to know that." " I would never buy my first ballgown without consulting a bunch of people" But then I realized, it's just one person's view. Different people have different opinions. And different budgets.
Re: Grooming - Competive
Posted by guest_too
8/26/2004  6:21:00 PM
No, this is not all it takes "buy a new ballgown, get a hair appointment" Actually, you DON'T want your ballgown to look better than your dancing. If you're dancing Novice, you don't want a championship dress on you. There is a reason why costumes are not allowed in syllabus levels. You are setting yourself up for expectations by your costume. If you come out on the floor in astonishing, fabulous, heavenly dress from the best dress designer on Earth and can't show the quality of dancing that matches your dress people will be disapointed. Hair is different though - make it as good as possible.
Re: Grooming - Competive
Posted by Babyruth
6/28/2009  8:23:00 PM
How about eyes? I wear eyeglasses. Do I need to take them off when competeing in a syllabus level? I guess the answer probably will be YES, but I just want to make sure.
Re: Grooming - Competive
Posted by belleofyourball
6/28/2009  8:50:00 PM
I would say yes unless you can glue them to your face. You would be shocked at what comes off when you are competing. You dance harder, your movements end up being more crisp and sharp.

You just aren't going to look good chasing them across the floor or cringing as someone steps on them.

So for example you glue your earrings to your ears, your hair should feel like shellac...and I wouldn't even suggest contacts. I've known people who lost those. Practice dance without your eyes. You'll find that they aren't necessary. For example in Argentine Tango...the woman doesn't even dance with her eyes open :~} That is not a suggestion for ballroom. You aren't as balanced without being able to see.
Re: Grooming - Competive
Posted by Babyruth
6/28/2009  9:37:00 PM
Wow...I thought contacts may be a good idea. Luckily that I haven't got those yet.
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