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Re: DanceSport Olympics Poll
Posted by jerryblu
9/15/2004  7:42:00 PM
Perhaps it is nonsense. However, the attendance at the ballrooms I frequent is decreasing gradually, and the age of the dancers is positively geriatric. If making ballroom dance an Olympic sport would get young people to do it more, I'd be in favor of it without question.
Re: DanceSport Olympics Poll
Posted by Malcolm
10/6/2004  12:15:00 AM
My first reaction to the idea was that it is great for Ballroom dancing to gain the hightened visibility of the olympics. The more I think about it, I worry about what will preserve the emotionally expressive, romantic flavor of the art if the athletic, competitive components of the olympics begin to exert widesweeping pressures upon young dancers as they establish their careers. I worry that the discipline of the Olympics may constrain the heart and soul. I see a lot of heart and soul in show dancing with ballroom styles. I hope I always will.

Re: DanceSport Olympics Poll
Posted by Cindy
10/18/2004  7:23:00 PM
Heart and Soul in Ballroom. What mouthful! That is what it is all about. Yes, the moves are wonderful, however the blend of expression and feelings deep within our souls expressed through dance is a true art.
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