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More Acces to Advanced Dances
Posted by MsCardella
6/7/2007  5:23:00 PM
Hello, you're website has been an invaluable tool for me, as I am a instructor in training. How can I view the entire video syllabus' for each dance, in not only beginning bronze but the other bronze, silver and gold levels too? Is this a premium membership to the sight? Thank you soo Much
Re: More Acces to Advanced Dances
Posted by Ellen
6/8/2007  12:32:00 AM
The administrators can tell you if there is more available on this site, but videos of the whole syllabus are available at dancevision.com. Of course, they are not free, so you should ask if your studio has them. Many studios, especially those that train instructors, do.
Re: More Acces to Advanced Dances
Posted by Administrator
6/8/2007  1:32:00 AM
Hi Ellen,

We'd appreciate it if you'd recommend our online store for the purchase of DanceVision videos. The shopping link is right at the top of this page.

The cost is the same no matter who you purchase them from. But if you send people straight to the source and bypass us, we don't make any profit, which means we can't stay in business. And if we don't stay in business, there will be no more great free services such as the video clips mentioned by MsCardella, or for that matter, this message board.

If you like our website and all the free services that come with it, please recommend our web store whenever the topic comes up. We appreciate the support, and so do the thousands of users who visit us every day!

Jonathan Atkinson
Re: More Acces to Advanced Dances
Posted by Ellen
6/8/2007  10:34:00 AM
Oh, sorry! I forgot you sell them. I'll send people to your store in the future.
Re: More Acces to Advanced Dances
Posted by Administrator
6/8/2007  1:43:00 AM
Hi Ms. Cardella,

More video clips are on the way. We have filmed the entire bronze syllabus... Now it's just a matter of editing and processing all those hours of footage.

We hope to have intermediate bronze, and possibly even full bronze completed by the end of this year. They will be available for a premium membership rate, which has yet to be determined.

Please check back in a few months to see how it's coming along. Updates will be posted to this message board.

As for silver & gold, there are no immediate plans. Whether or not we add more levels will depend entirely on the success of the premium membership program when we release the bronze level. Only time will tell.

Jonathan Atkinson
Re: More Acces to Advanced Dances
Posted by anymouse
6/8/2007  10:48:00 AM
"I am a instructor in training. How can I view the entire video syllabus"

Yes, and watching a video will be great preparation for giving your students their money's worth.... NOT
Re: More Acces to Advanced Dances
Posted by Ellen
6/8/2007  8:34:00 PM
Ms. Cardella never said that was her only training. Videos can be a useful review tool.
Re: More Acces to Advanced Dances
Posted by JB_Locke
6/8/2007  11:23:00 PM
"Yes, and watching a video will be great preparation for giving your students their money's worth.... NOT"

So, let me see if I understand you correctly. If someone purchases and studies a video, they are not good enough to pass that information on to another person. Be it a teaching situation or a male/female watching the video and teaching their partner, you are saying that is isn't good enough. Please explain...

Just what do you think videos are used for if not a "teaching tool"?

You are fond of quoting books, why should they be any more of a teaching tool than a dancer performing steps and exlaining them on video? What is different from purchasing a video of a professional coach and learning from it versus paying hundreds to get the same information?

You are also fond of watching competition/showcase videos and critiqing every single step, is that not learning from video?

I support the use of videos 110%. Not only do they provide monetary compensation to websites like this AND the dancers, but they are readily available to view at any time, anywhere.

I've met two people since entering the ballroom scene who, by their own choice, learned EXCLUSIVELY from DVD/VHS. They are just as good as the person next to them, or in front of them.
Re: More Acces to Advanced Dances
Posted by CliveHarrison
6/9/2007  12:29:00 AM
Dance instruction books or video/dvds are a useful and cost-effective way to study the principles of dance, but they are no substitute for the feedback and constructive criticism which a good teacher/coach can provide.

Of course if your coach was only watching the dvd himself the night before the lesson, and hopes he can get away with "teaching" the steps without his memory failing, and can block your question over a more advanced variation by saying that the answer to that question depends upon you buying $10,000 more lessons, then you must be in the US, and in a franchised chain's studio.
no subject
Posted by terence2
7/14/2007  10:30:00 PM
That was a totally inappropriate remark !!--- Your views, like many, are generally way off base , and predjudiced .

What practical experience have you personally had with chain schools in the states ?-- from your remarks-- probably none.

Let me remind you of a world famous english dancer ( and partner ) that far excelled , financially, a large contractual pre paid lesson situation.that went awry .

There are bad apples in most barrels-- that does not meant to say we have to throw them all away !!

As far as learning from and by videos-- they are a tool that can re inforce ideas already in place . The many nuances that exist in dance , are virtually impossible to attain from any video or book .

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