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Re: More video clips
Posted by Administrator
6/9/2011  9:09:00 PM
If we had the money to produce everything all at once, we would. Unfortunately, we are a very small scale operation. We can only add material as quickly as we can afford it, and as a small home-based business, we cannot afford as much as we'd like.

The good news is, we have in fact scheduled another film shoot for the week of June 22 through 26 -- our first in a few years. With this film shoot, we will be able to add much more material, which will include a mix of silver demo clips and some bronze instructional clips.

But there is a catch: It will not be free like the current material (We have to recoup the cost somehow). Still, at $99 per year, it will be much less expensive than what you would pay for equivalent instruction on DVD.

Stay tuned...

Jonathan Atkinson
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