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Should one tip their dance instructor
Posted by 2rightfeet
10/10/2012  10:29:00 AM
I haven't seen anything on this; I haven't tipped only because I am not sure and I don't want to insult her.

Re: Should one tip their dance instructor
Posted by ballroomchick
10/10/2012  11:21:00 AM
Do you tip your accountant, pool man or gardener every time they do work? This is their job. If you enjoy your instructor showing appreciation on birthdays or the holidays with a gift or gift card is not a bad thing.

Private lessons are expensive and if your in the studio more than once a week it will add up quickly.
Re: Should one tip their dance instructor
Posted by ladydance
10/10/2012  12:33:00 PM
I am a manager of a dance studio and my answer is no. I have never seen anyone offer a tip and I know the instructors would refuse to take one. They appreciate gifts on their birthday or at Christmas but don't expect it. They know dance lessons are expensive and wouldn't want anyone to feel any pressure to pay more than the established rate.
Re: Should one tip their dance instructor
Posted by 2rightfeet
10/10/2012  5:06:00 PM
Thank you for your replys. That is what I thought and almost felt like I was insulting instructors by asking the question but at the same time, if it was expected, I didn't want to be the one who was not doing it.
Re: Should one tip their dance instructor
Posted by billymarsh
10/12/2012  8:35:00 AM
I am taking private dance classes with my boyfriend for a set rate per hour. Should we tip her at the end of each lesson?

I say no, but my boyfriend says yes.

Please advise. Thanks!
Re: Should one tip their dance instructor
Posted by O.Z.
10/14/2012  1:53:00 PM
2rightfeet.Should one tip their dance instructer Tipping in general seems to be an American thing.In dancing, I've never heard of it in Europe, where i lived for many years . Neither in Australia. The answer is a definite No !!.
Re: Should one tip their dance instructor
Posted by belleofyourball
10/15/2012  9:30:00 AM
Dance Instructors are professionals....treat them as such. Tipping is for people who work minimum wage or less grunt jobs. Tip your waitress, the valet and your taxi driver. Don't tip your doctor...your dentist....your vet....or your dance instructor. I would find it demeaning.
Re: Should one tip their dance instructor
Posted by rgswoohoo
10/19/2012  11:26:00 AM
I did see someone once try to tip one of our instructors ... she of course refused the money.

Out of the 2 1/2 years I have been dancing with my instructor I have sent her flowers twice. Because of my job I get hold of some freebies sometimes and will bring those in to the studio for all the staff to enjoy. We have a few bakers who will cook a meal or bake some goodies and bring in for the staff sometimes. There are different ways to show your appreciation, just make sure it is done out of APPRECIATION not out of some sort of preasure to conform to "social protocol".
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