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Learn Street Dance UK and More
Posted by billymarsh
10/23/2012  6:01:00 AM
In the world of street dance, there is no one genre that rules this dance. You can learn one facet of the dance and be very good at it but still fail when it comes to competing. Now to be competitive enough to participate in dance face-offs or event, the best way would be to learn from the best. When we mean the best, these are the people that have participated and won in events about this dance. In this article we will learn what street dance is and what it takes to be good. We will also deal with the training that you need to do to become one of the best.
Street dance as what its name suggest are dances that have evolved or created outside the dance studious. They are developed in parking lots, empty spaces and even streets. In UK, this dance was developed in the nightclubs and other hangouts popular in the United Kingdom. Many believed that whenever someone does a new step a new type of dance is created. Most of the dances are presented as dance-offs in traditional dance competitions. Dancers would take turn in showing their moves and judges decide who wins after each group is done with their routine. This type of competition is now used in popular dance shows because it is more dynamic in terms of the competition proper and group interaction during the competition.

[URL=http://www.soaruk.co.uk]Summer Dance Camp Europe[/URL]
[URL=http://www.soaruk.co.uk]Hip Hop Workshops[/URL]
[URL=http://www.soaruk.co.uk]Dance Workshops[/URL]
[URL=http://www.soaruk.co.uk]Street Dance Competitions[/URL]
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