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Re: new ballroom dance show on tv!!!
Posted by jpbdance
6/9/2005  8:00:00 AM
I was glad to see ballroom dance get the attention -- and apparently a large viewing audience, but I was disappointed that, with one exception, the couples ignored the basic steps. I would liked to have seen the couples do what would be seen on ballroom dance floors across the country -- and around the globe. For enhancements of the basic steps they would have done well to have drawn on ballroomdance.com resources, e.g., the four Rumba variations that the TJ and Catherine Abaya present on a DVD could have been learned well in the available time, would have looked great, and would have been identifiable as the Rumba. Best of all, the dances would have seemed within the realm of possibility for many viewers. As ut was, ballroom dance as shown on "Dancing With the Stars" seemed like an activity for a small, special group.
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