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Re: Arched back?
Posted by quickstep
2/2/2007  7:00:00 PM
Juice23. Most pople have no idea how much work is needed to get to the top of that tree. Where I go the owners of the studio were once seventh in world as competing professional. Twenty minutes jog to the studio. 10 Rumbas 10 Cha Cha's, Samba, Paso, and Jive.Then five more Rumbas and a brisk walk home. This was six days a week, and if they didn't do this you can be sure their opponents were. A Japanese Standard couple interviewed by Donnie Burns on TV said. They train seven hours a day seven days a week. That's what it takes. Best wishes.
Re: Arched back?
Posted by Anonymous
2/2/2007  8:07:00 PM
"A Japanese Standard couple interviewed by Donnie Burns on TV said. They train seven hours a day seven days a week. That's what it takes."

That's what those trying to get to the top but failing may be doing in desperation. Those actually their are doing a bit less - given all the travel and teaching they do, they simply wouldn't have the time to practice like that!
Re: Arched back?
Posted by Anonymous
2/2/2007  8:11:00 PM
Would agree though that arching the back is bad, no matter how succesful some dancers who failed to conquer that habit of sometimes been in competition.

Winnning doesn't say you are perfect, it just says you were more convincing, overall, than anyone else.
Re: Arched back?
Posted by quickstep
2/2/2007  9:43:00 PM
I should have put this is prior to a major competition like the British. The couple that I go to in modern started heavy training at the beginning of December in the UK. They kept this untill the end of January for the UK. Titles. They will come home and ease off till April. And start heavy training again for the British in May. This is what their rivals are doing all over the world. They do live in another world to the rest of us. During the rest period they will probably demonstrate and do a few lectures. I know they have some work to do in Hong Kong before they arrive home next Sunday. If you think dancing is popular where you live just turn your eyes towards China.
The Japanese couple were at that time Grand Finalists in most events. The one when they were intervewed was the UK Televised. I'm not sure but I was told they were fully sponsored by their Society The conditions was when they got home they would pass on their knowledge. As they came home another would leave. In Europe it is not uncommon for couples to get hugh grants from their governments. We are talking thousands of dollars.
Re: Arched back?
Posted by secret
2/3/2007  12:19:00 PM
"Dancers are only as good as the amount of hard work they put into their dancing."

Agreed. When I was doing speech competitions, I had to practice day and night till I was blue in the face.
The only difference is that I didn't wake up the next day to feel my ab muscles all sore.
Re: Arched back?
Posted by Juice23
2/3/2007  6:35:00 PM
LOL! You'll get used to it- and you'll figure out the difference b/w good sore and bad sore. Good sore makes me feel very accomplished and hard working
Re: Arched back?
Posted by secret
2/4/2007  9:25:00 AM
Oh yea, talk about sores...
I did these new ab exercise at the gym on Wednesday. One of them was to work out the obliques and was very difficult. I woke up the next day only to find extreme soreness (I mean, extreme) in my abs. I am still sore from it 4 days later!

... I better get a freekin' 6-pack from this!!!
Re: Arched back?
Posted by Juice23
2/4/2007  12:30:00 PM
hehe- don't overdo it at the gym though, you don't want to pull or tear something!
Re: Arched back?
Posted by secret
2/4/2007  1:09:00 PM
I think I already did!
Re: Arched back?
Posted by Juice23
2/4/2007  3:11:00 PM
Then rest so it completely heals so you can get back to dancing!

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