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Re: help settle a friendly debate
Posted by Serendipidy
5/20/2008  12:34:00 AM
guest. I could be wrong but i don't think so. In Figure Skating as in Pair or Ice Dancing to represent your country you would both be American or Russian. In dancing especially among the top dancers it would be hard to find a pair from the same country. You could go down the list and eventually find a pair. But then would they be the best. Ice Skating and the Olympics go back right to the beginning of the modern era. Long before most of us were born. They changed the rules a bit just recently. A vocal can only accompany the orchestration now. No longer can Michael Crawford's Phantom of the Opera be skated to. Which I think is a great pity.
Re: help settle a friendly debate
Posted by DennisBeach
5/20/2008  4:57:00 PM
I think both could be considered sports. Cheer leading now is primarily group gymnastics. Both take significant physical skill and energy. dancing with skates on has been considered a sport for a long time and individual gymnastics has been a sport for a long time.
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