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Re: IDTA vs. prodvida
Posted by terence2
5/9/2009  10:17:00 PM
International recognition in " Standard " or Latin.. only the following.. IDTA.. ISTD.. UKA all english Soc.

and the NADTA( american Soc. )is recognised in the UK by the IDTA and the UKA..
Re: IDTA vs. prodvida
Posted by anymouse
5/10/2009  8:31:00 AM
IDTA or ISTD would be a more established certification, but unless you are trying to judge competitions your actual skills will soon come to mean more than the certificates.

None of the major societies would schedule an exam for a student who had learned from "videos and short trips", as they require endorsement from a preparation teacher before they will even schedule an exam. You would probably have to look into doing an intensive teacher training workshop and traveling to where it is held. You may have more luck finding an intensive program targeted at the DVIDA certification than the others.
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