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Re: re: C&W Two - Step; Two Variations?
Posted by danceswithdogs
8/7/2011  11:53:00 PM
Correct names and terms are important in dancing. What you discribed QQSS or SSQQ as it can be taught either way just a difference between down beats and up beats. Nothing else. I was taught it to be named the Western 2-step. The dance you discribe in the question I learned and taught as the Texas two-step. This goes back 25 years and 10,000 classes for me. Please if you come from ballroom. Stay there you really don't know. Texas 2-step another forgoten dance I still teach. Count is step touch step touch walk walk. Perfect song Amarillo by Morning by George Strait.I took 500 classes and I payed attention in everyone. Here is the breakdown. Mans step. Ladies is just the reverse starting on the right foot. Progress half step with left foot touch the right foot to it. progress half step with right foot touch left to it now walk walk start over.L touch R touch W W. I some times use this in a swing format lots of fun. Do not confuse with old dance Western Swing which was step touch step touch rock step. If you have any questions on western dance I should be able to answer them. I'll tell you if I can't
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