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Re: Another Newbie With Questions
Posted by TundraDancingGal
1/12/2015  7:24:00 AM
My husband and I have been taking ballroom dance lessons for about 18 months and I just joined this group a few minutes ago. This is the first post I read and it really hit home! A few months ago without thinking I said those same words out loud during our lesson. My very sweet teacher just looked at me puzzled and said, "why?". I said again, "because I CAN'T". She was very concerned that I had a physical reason such as an injury or health condition that prevented it. When I denied that, she quickly realized I was just scared and lacked confidence. She smiled and said, "sure you can!" and then broke down the steps again so I could see that it wasn't nearly as complicated as my frozen, terrified brain made it. Yes, after two tries, I had it.

I never knew something you could love so much could be so hard and scary at the same time! Thanks for offering this website and these forums.
Re: Another Newbie With Questions
Posted by newdancer
1/15/2015  1:55:00 PM
Hi Michael, WCS is one of my favorite dances because the sylabus allows for improv. The very basic rhythm for newbies should start with practicing double rhythm and triple rhythm (step,step) ( step, step, step) to some music (4/4)with an accentuated down beat so she hears the Boom-Tic. Once your comfortable with steping in place, start your basic left side passes so she gets the walk, walk step three times, step three times into memory and that will help with her fear.
There is an awesome instructor in Knoxville, his name is P.J Turner if you are ever in the area.
Best of luck.
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