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Re: Arched back?
Posted by TundraDancingGal
3/6/2016  4:50:00 PM
I realize this is a VERY old thread but my instructor was working on my posture and frame today and referenced Donnie Burns. I Googled it and this thread came up. A lot of what's in here is terrific, so thanks for that.

However, I'm still looking for the interview or class he was talking about. I guess Mr. Burns replied (when someone said it doesn't feel natural to stand that way) something like " Well then don't do it! But realize there are those of us who have worked for thousands of hours to make if feel natural!" I hope to find the actual interview or quote.
Re: Arched back?
Posted by Guest
3/7/2016  8:23:00 PM
Be careful as a lady . Arching the back is a stretch sideways and not directly back. It is not as most people think it is. In Latin you need a straight back. Lay on the floor and get the whole of your spine on the floor. Now stand up.
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