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Re: Starting serious training
Posted by olderpartner
4/4/2016  9:51:00 PM

Firstly, your youth should give you some advantage, particularly if you are in good physical shape. Competition provides motivational deadlines and checkpoints at which you can monitor your development more through the use of video than results, at least initially.

You mention cha cha and samba, two dances that demand rather different technique and both of which provide opportunity for performance showmanship. However, these two aspects tend to work against one another at first so try to find a balance and compare current video against previous to see if you have gained toward your goals. Eventually, it will pay off in your standings.

Also, don't compartmentalize latin and standard too completely. There are some nearly universal technical elements. For example, such apparently simple exercises such as trying to perfect cha cha New Yorkers and spot turns can develop foot movements that improve foxtrot and waltz.

Another thing to be aware of is that training with your competition partner may not improve your lead and follow. It is possible to create a partnership which has two people doing two well synchronized routines. While this can work there are performance nuances and subtle timing variations that well connected partnerships demonstrate.

Good luck with your growth. Remember you should never stop learning.
Re: Starting serious training
Posted by mynameisnaomi
4/25/2016  3:19:00 PM
I will keep this in mind, thank you very very much!
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