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Re: Hustle Technique
Posted by
7/5/2017  1:46:00 AM

The original latin hustle as taught in the 70s ( I attended the 1st Prof only mini congress in Fla) the "dance " was agreed upon, from structural point, was very close to WCS, and a " Tap" was the commencing movement as in Tap step in place for man and lady then moving into a horizontal plane ( a coaster ).

So.. what you are seeing today, is a version that makes false claims in name.

Re vamping original dance forms. is invariably a marketing tool. This has happened in Mambo ( to salsa ) and T/Arg has more styles than I can count.

Even Bachata ,has now become re organised. A

nd do you not realise that, ALL the Intern style BR dances, bare little resemblance to the originals
Re: Hustle Technique
Posted by terence2
7/9/2017  4:43:00 AM

The original format ( from 1978/9 ) DOES have a tap. The dance commences with an in place on 1 ! followed by ( in place ) tap on 2, hence its name, 2 being the break step in Mambo and Cha, and the syncopation that follows ( 3 and 4) is the timing of Guajira .

it is also danced more laterally than slot style .

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