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Re: Cost of ballroom competitions
Posted by Kitnhead
9/10/2017  7:46:00 PM
I brought this up on another board and got my head bit off. There is no reason for these "wholesale" prices except that the teachers want to be dishonest. It makes me laugh when they call them "wholesale" so the price list is password protected. Wholesale is for materials like buttons, not dances. One thing you can do is to insist that your instructor print out the price list and give you a copy. This is what I started to do. If your teacher has integrity they will do it.
Re: Cost of ballroom competitions
Posted by BallroomChick
11/21/2017  3:35:00 PM
It can be different if your going to a comp with a studio or an independent instructor.

The reason as stated above is that some instructors and studios pad their bill to the student. This padding can be "an all inclusive service." where your cab/transportation fees from/to the airport as well as cab tipping, hotel luggage tipping is covered. You also are paying for all the top line parties (before and after event), gifts, meal services and hotel as well as your instructors fee. Some may also include your air fair.

Some independent instructors get NOT breaking the bank on their students - To keep them around to do comps for years to come. Some have a large enough stable of students that running one into the ground financially in 6 months is not big deal. (KNOW your instructor)

My instructor has no problem putting the call on speaker phone for all of us to write out the costs of ALL the dance package rates as well as going just Al La Cart.

The given costs for my instructor is his day cost - what he would be making at home if he were teaching. His students split this cost.
We split his dance package - food, tickets to the ballroom.
We split his hotel cost. - My instructor is willing to share a room with another instructor (he knows) to help save money.
We split his air fair and shuttle costs.
We know there will be a $10 charge per dance heat for "teacher wear and tear"

We get to do the math and see what our pocket book can support.

Country Western is starting to follow ballroom in the hidden coast areas

West Cost Swing - teachers don't charge their students day fees or dance fees.
I've hear some teachers pay their entire way.
West Coast Swing does not have costume requirements. From what I see if your jeans are not ripped up and falling off - your quite dressed up.
You get counted off if you have stones on your outfit.
Re: Cost of ballroom competitions
Posted by mayagsd
11/27/2017  12:25:00 PM
i took lessons decades ago for about 9 months...after about 6 months my instructor wanted me to start doing pro ams...i wasn't interested and in about 3 months my instructor essentially fired me...no hard feeling or anything...it was just a business decision. the instructor, who's only job/income was from dancing apparently needed the extra money from pro ams to earn the amount they felt they needed to earn.
Re: Cost of ballroom competitions
Posted by esla queen
12/21/2017  2:03:00 AM
It's overall very costly, though the understudies that prepare and success the dance base with me advance in their capacity and ability substantially more than even the focused pair I instructor.
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