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Re: Too old to start dance?
Posted by dheun
9/20/2017  3:38:00 PM
I learned around age 8. Kept with it through disco era and into my 30s. Stopped for a bit to spend time with my newborn son, got back into it later and still enjoy it at age 64, even though health issues hold me back more than I'd like at some times. Point is, it is fun at all ages and a great skill to have no matter what. Most any studio or even a park district teaches adults.
Re: Too old to start dance?
Posted by waynelee
10/8/2017  9:08:00 PM
I don't know if there is a certain age, it really varies with the person. I started taking lessons with my wife at 61 years of age. Now, that was 10 years ago! I love it, dance whenever I can. I have participated in 18 competitions, and the first one was 6 months after I started lessons. I am nowhere as flexible as the younger crowd, but I enjoy it just as much.
Re: Too old to start dance?
Posted by esla queen
12/22/2017  12:38:00 AM
I think confidence you decided to begin dancing and discovered some brilliant surroundings throughout your life as a result. Begin social dancing with the times with exceptionally youthful. You are not very old to have an excellent time for dancing - not with quite a while.
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