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Trying to figure out...
Posted by Nena
3/20/2005  3:28:00 PM
I am trying to figue out when they broadcast the ballroom competions for dancing such as, ballroom, salsa etc..
Can any give me any clues?
Re: Trying to figure out...
Posted by Laura
3/20/2005  6:42:00 PM
What country are you in?

In the US they rarely have anything on anymore. I saw one this year on WE (Women's Entertainment, a digital cable and/or satellite channel, and it came on at 3:00am) and last year there was one on Lifetime (another cable/satellite channel). GoodTV network (a regional cable/satellite channel in the southeastern US) used to have them. Sometimes PBS runs old episodes of Championship Ballroom Dancing, but it depends on the local station. A new Championship Ballroom Dancing hasn't been made since 2000.
Re: Trying to figure out...
Posted by Nena
3/21/2005  7:26:00 AM
Thanks for replyng!

I am in the US, I figure they would not broadcast it like they used to. It used to be an event I would watch for hours and now I hardly ever see it on TV. I am going to check out the the names you gave me and fnd out with my cable provider. Thanks again.
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