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Re: Teacher/Students Etiquette
Posted by MDance
11/9/2014  8:33:00 PM
I know this is an old thread, but I came across it
Because I'm currently in a very similar situation.
Your teacher wasn't in Tallahassee by any chance?
Re: Teacher/Students Etiquette
Posted by Mariposa52
12/4/2014  11:30:00 AM
I realize this is older, but I really want to know where this was. If you don't want to name him then at least tell us the city. I am a dace instructor in Tennessee and I don't want people like this to give dance instructors a bad name. If you don't speak out then the dance community can do nothing. We are a self enforcing and word of mouth group industry. Its a relatively small community. We need to know where this is happening so we can warn our students and not be duped into this ourselves as we are all still students of dance at the end of the day.
Re: Teacher/Students Etiquette
Posted by Pirin
12/21/2014  7:00:00 PM
Hello, I have a similar situation where the instructor made me pay in advance for lessons, dresses, pro-am competitions, registrations and fees. I paid more than one hundred and twenty five thousand dollars for something that never used. In a lawsuit now with the studio. Newton, MA.
Re: Teacher/Students Etiquette
Posted by binky54
1/2/2015  9:42:00 AM
I am sorry to hear about your situation. However, why would you front anyone so much money, whether the person is an instructor of dance, a house contractor, a personal trainer, a yoga instructor, a karate teacher, telephone solicitor, etc? Even many lawyers I know do not ask for retainers of this magnitude in ordinary cases. I don't believe that this type of situation is exclusively within the domain of dance studios and teachers. There also is a point when common sense should prevail when considering how much money to pay upfront for lessons, etc. In my opinion, pay as you go should be the rule of thumb or pay a modest amount upfront such that it all would be applied within 3 months at most. Again, I am sorry that this happened to you.
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