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Wedding first dance
Posted by Miles
5/5/2015  1:26:00 PM
Can someone please help me with our first dance for our wedding?
We have chosen Green Eyes by Coldplay for our dance and need to figure out what dance steps to do it to.
It needs to be fairly easy so I was thinking the waltz but not sure our music suits it?
Basically I need as much help and advice as possible? We also don't have long, the wedding is in 5 weeks!!!
Re: Wedding first dance
Posted by ballroomchick
5/8/2015  10:05:00 AM
Green Eyes by Coldplay is an East Coast Swing tempo
Re: Wedding first dance
Posted by ladydance
5/9/2015  12:45:00 PM
If you don't want to shuffle back and forth, the get yourselves to a dance studio and have them choreograph a simple dance. There is no way else.
Re: Wedding first dance
Posted by waynelee
5/10/2015  7:38:00 AM
I agree that you could dance a East Coast swing to it. You could even dance a West Coast Swing to it. But, if you want a dance step that puts you into a closed frame, then you could go with a Rumba, a fast Rumba at that, but at least you would be close together. If you decide on a Rumba, then I would have someone slow it down a bit.

Ditto the recommendation for a dance studio to help you. Also, they probably have the software to slow down the piece without distortion.
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