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Underturned Pivot Turns
Posted by bocagirl
5/19/2018  1:07:00 PM
My husband and I are returning to ballroom dancing after many years of lessons, but those lessons were decades ago. We've re-mastered some more difficult steps that involve turns, such as the left cross turn in waltz. But, we are having great difficult maintaining line of dance on the promenade pivot turns, found in foxtrot and tango. We continually underturn, ending about 20 degrees shy. I am thinking that perhaps, as long as we focus on good form, it will improve with time. But if anyone has recommendations, I'd love to hear them.
Re: Underturned Pivot Turns
Posted by bocagirl
5/22/2018  12:51:00 PM
Given that it was me (the lady) underturning, we FINALLY fixed the problem. David and I both maintained a stiffer frame through the end of the turn so that his momentum could transfer to me, to finish up the turn. I think we must have practiced this 500x to finally nail it repeatedly. Normally, I can carry my own momentum through turns, but the man's crossing in front of me (with my stepping between his legs) as he does his spot turn, meant that I simply could not do it all on my own.
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