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Partner Search Classifieds


  • Include:
    • Amateurs
    • Professionals
    • Men
    • Women
  • Age Range:
    • to
    • Include Unspecified
  • Dance Styles:
    • Int'l Standard
    • Int'l Latin
    • American Smooth
    • American Rhythm
    • Theatre Arts
    • Swing
    • Country & Western
    • Argentine Tango
    • Salsa
    • Other Styles
Patricia Santos
Amateur (37)
Dingli, Malta
Robert Foege
Amateur (52)
Portland, OR USA
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Amateur M (31)
Chicago, IL USA
Height:6 ft, 0 in
Weight:160 lbs
Dance Styles:Int'l Standard and Latin, and American Smooth.
Experience:Dancing more than ten years
Practice Time:3 hours per day
Four times per week


I began ballroom dancing in 2003 and have been passionate about it ever since. I've been coached by many top professionals over these years, both locally and around the country. Most of my experience is in Standard, followed by Smooth; continuing training and competing in one or both of these styles is my current primary goal. I am open to training in Latin as well but I am not interested in Rhythm at the moment. In addition to ballroom, I've also studied ballet, modern, contact improvisation, and kinesiology. I have an interest in performance and choreography; I've performed in numerous shows with nine different studios, in two professionally directed productions, and at the Chicago Salsa Congress. I was the open amateur standard champion at many local competitions including the Windy City Open in 2014. (Most of my competition experience is as an amateur, but I have competed professionally and am interested in doing so again.)

In Search of...

I'm looking for a partner in or near Chicago (or who is willing to come to Chicago) to practice regularly and compete with in either Standard or Smooth. A strong standard background is important for either style. I would consider also competing in Latin for the sake of doing 10-Dance, but I have little interest in Rhythm. I would prefer someone with at least 3-4 years experience competing and who is at least 64in or so tall (I'm 72”). I am extremely dedicated and passionate about my dancing, so I hope to find a partner who is too. That being said, I am willing to be flexible with our practice arrangement to accommodate your schedule. Please contact me if you'd like to talk!


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