I used to get really sore feet due to hours of daily practice. This has fixed the problem for me:
Have you tried dance training shoes with dance seude on the soles and with cushioned foam or gel soles? - some dance footwear places sell them.
I personally use gym trainers (foam cushioning in fore-foot, gel cushioning in heel).
Depending on the surface I am practicing on:
* At home, I put socks over them to achieve the correct level of friction with the floor.
* For the dance studio, I have glued the dance shoe suede on myself.
DYI dance shoe suede soles:
Trace out the pattern of the sole on a sheet of 'Greenhide Hard 2.5-3mm' suede (best quality/type for dance shoes).
I used Bondura Premium bootmakers contact cement to glue the suede to the rubber sole.
I live in Australia, so I sourced the suede and glue at http://www.shoeproductsaustralia.com.au/).
You could just pay the money and get a shoe repair shop to do it for you, however because I repair soles and replace the suede on all my dance shoes, I find the DYI approach cheaper than continual shoe repair bills.
The only problems with gym trainers:
* The sole is wide and flat with wedged sides, which can affect movements where you need to use the edges of your feet.
* You will not 'feel the floor' as intimately due to the cushioning.
However I am not an elite dancer, and I figure it is far more important to preserve the health of my feet.
I hope this helps :)