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Re: European Latin 05
Posted by Juice23
6/17/2005  8:26:00 AM
That sounds wonderful. Too bad they don't show dance like that in America! Any dance festival or competition I want to see I have to steal from a friend's tape! Thankfully though, now we have Dancing With the Stars here and it is doing great and getting top ratings! Also, on PBS this year they will once again show the Ohio Star Ball in November! Finally someone knocked some sense into the heads of those idiots at PBS. Sorry, but why did they have to cancel it? Plenty of people watched! Well, best of luck to dancesport in America and all over the world! ;)
Re: European Latin 05
Posted by Don
6/18/2005  3:11:00 AM
Juice 23. I would have thought that in the USA you would be watching even more that us. Evidently not. The programs are so well presented as all of the IDSF competitions are It becomes obviouse that the whole program is well thought out that the camera crew are not just locals who wouldn't know their right foot to there left. The judging panels are from all over the world which make it an international event. The IDSF represent four million people world wide. That's off their web-site.
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