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Re: So You Think You Can "Fix" Dance
Posted by Annie
8/11/2005  12:42:00 AM
yeah OB, ure right about the professional, hes just an actor paid to do this. why the heck would they put a professional dancer on the show? the shoz is supposed to make these people dance professionnally !!!!
plus the guy is the perfect arrogant person, he brings a dog who poops everywhere to his room.
anyway some of the dancers are really good and they are enjoyable to watch, its just the whole drama around it thast annoying. in dancing with the stars, the drama element was really small, and there was greater dancing.
Re: So You Think You Can "Fix" Dance
Posted by Laura
8/11/2005  4:05:00 AM
Unlike "Dancing With the Stars," "So You Think You Can Dance" takes *any* dancer and exposes them to other styles. There are several professional dancers on it:

Blake -- the rude guy with the little dog
Snow -- she even said tonight "I am a professional ballroom dancer"
Maritza -- the salsa dancer from Chicago who chose dance over her marriage; she owns and runs her own studio in Chicago
Nick -- I believe teaches at dance camps

There were probably a lot more than that too. They just made a big deal about Blake to stir up "drama" on the show.

There were no rules against pros entering "So You Think You Can Dance."
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