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Re: Reality of Training to Teach
Posted by SocialDancer
6/25/2008  1:46:00 AM
(This last paragraph seemed to cause the problems, so I'm trying that separately)

You probably have enough world experience to get you started teaching in village halls or evening classes, but it would be worth looking at a helpful little book published by the British Dance Council,
"The Dance Teacher's Handbook" by Lyndon Wainright.

(Strange, I had to edit some information from this posting to get it through...)
Re: Reality of Training to Teach
Posted by wannabe
6/25/2008  11:13:00 AM
Thanks for the comments, SocialDancer - very helpful.

I have fixed up a lesson with an Experienced Fellow of one of the teaching societies, who is also an examiner, and I am going to find out as much as I can about the practical aspects of being a student teacher, and take it from there.
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