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Re: Dancing while pregnant
Posted by kaiara
7/25/2009  10:11:00 AM
NOw that is very hopeful information. At the moment the pregnancy hormones have my ligaments so loose that one shoulder and both hips slip in and out of their sockets--a bit painful at times. But the thought that all the weight of the baby could be strengthening other aspects is welcome. I have noticed that stairs are not as difficult as I expected so perhaps going up and down to the bedrooms while pregnant has been a good thing for the legs.

Belle, I have been sneaking some arm exercises in, working on how I hold my hand when moving my arms in and out--doing it seated so as to limit my urge to move other ways. I've a DVD on Body Awareness and the woman dancer in it has the most graceful way of moving her hands so I've let myself do a bit of that; and a bit of the arm movements from belly dance too.

It is technically cheating on the "sedentary" orders but I suspect at least some of that order was given because the doctor noted that I am rather driven and he felt I needed to slow down.

I only have to survive through the end of September or early October, but it will likely be January or February before I get the new baby regimented enough to free me up for dance classes again. Once she can be put in a back pack I'll be much better off--backpack doesn't get in the way of ballroom!!
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