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Re: new move videos on site?
Posted by Administrator
1/28/2011  7:47:00 PM
We have material through full bronze on the server and ready to go. The hold-up on premium membership is actually not the next film shoot, but the written material that goes along with the bronze videos. I expect that to be finished within about a month or two at most.

The timing of the next video shoot is not relevant to the debut of the premium membership service. The fact that they will occur within a few months of each other is coincidental. Unfortunately the video shoot had to be moved back a few months to sometime between April and June. The good news is, all the same dancers have committed, and we're excited to bring them back woth a couple of new additions!

As to whether there will be silver, I can only say "hopefully". The main focus of thevideo shoot will be full bronze instruction. Any time left over will go to silver demo clips, but it's unlikely to be complete, thorough or consistent.

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