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Re: Quality ballroom dances in Fort Worth Texas...
Posted by Wrink1e
11/18/2013  9:10:00 AM
There are a number of decent studios in the Fort Worth area that are MUCH cheaper than Arthur Murray, and most don't use ridiculous high-pressure sales tactics. The majority of them also hold some type of social practice parties at little to no cost, which is a good way to interact with some of the instructors/other students, to see if the studio is a good fit for you. If you're just looking for social instruction, you might consider Dancemakers in Fort Worth. They have a decent low-cost beginner special, a friendly atmosphere, and one of the largest weekly socials in Fort Worth. Check www. dancemakers .com
There are a handful of smaller studios in the Fort Worth area, plus some in Carrollton, Arlington, Granbury, Cleburne, and Hurst, just for starters. You just need to check around to find the one that's a good fit for you.
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