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Re: My boyfriend is a dance instructor should I be
Posted by Ms.Beasley
10/7/2015  11:46:00 AM
Yes,,, always be on guard. Men are stupid, and women who come to dance usually are looking for attention which can turn quickly. He should NEVER give any student his cell number or personal email. All comms go through the studio. When he travels for comps....unless you go too...who knows what goes on. Dancers in ballroom are a tad loose with sex.....enjoy the hell.
Re: My boyfriend is a dance instructor should I be
Posted by ballroomchick
10/8/2015  11:00:00 AM
Ms. Beasley

This is a really old post, but to answer you. You ASSUME all instructors are owned by a studio. MANY are independent. If an independent instructor does not give you his cell # HOW will the student know when he/she is running late? Car broke down? Kid is sick and they have to stay home with them - etc., etc., etc.???

My instructor is married. His wife use to teach, but has moved on to work in a diff industry. He honors his marriage vows. Yes he does have to be careful and apply the correct attention to his female students as well as his wife and daughters. Maybe because Ive experienced the overload of syrupy, sugary BS from Arthur Murray **AND** Ive heard my instructor tell about The Manual - Freds and Arthur Murray have to teach this BS. I can know the difference of flirtation to pull the best dancing moves out of a student and what is real.

So my suggestion would be:

If youre the jealous type. DO NOT date a dance instructor.

If not - do your home work before you get involved. Check out their record. Everyone in the studio will know if an instructor is willing to trade services. In any studio stetting everyone pretty much knows everyone elses business.

Re: My boyfriend is a dance instructor should I be jea
Posted by Gakket Darrey
8/24/2020  11:59:00 AM
It seems to me that you need to trust your partner more.
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