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Ballroom Dancing Teacher
Posted by Ludmilla
8/16/2017  7:44:00 AM
Looking for a Ballroom Dancing Teacher to teach at an Ottawa, Canada ballroom dancing studio - Ottawa Dance Sport - specializing in training children to become high-level professional ballroom dancers. Minimum experience in competitive ballroom dance of 12 years or more is required (starting from a young age), as well as experience teaching ballroom dancing to children and adults. The teacher must have taken part in professional national and/or international competitions.
Job duties: Teaching competitive international ballroom dance to children and adults. Preparing students for performance and competition.
Studio address: 1547 Chatelaine Ave, Ottawa, ON, K1Z8B6
Wage: $35/hr
Position: Permanent & Full-Time (minimum 30 hours per week)
Language requirement: English or French
Contact to apply: Milla MacDonald - milla@ottawadancesport.com / 613-263-4622
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