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Re: Foot Pain in Dancers
Posted by John Kelly
8/26/2022  2:13:00 AM
Also - what I do to relieve foot pain, inflamation, and tendonitis:

Tiger Balm: This contains 5% oil of cloves, an anesthetic used for tooth ache. It is surprisingly effective in relieving foot pain, and some ballet dancers use it. (Note: Tiger Balm intructions are do not use physical heat with Tiger Balm).

Deep Heat: The sports doctor I go to treats athletes from the Australian Institute of Sport - he really know his stuff. He recommends anything with Methyl Salicylate (i.e. Deep Heat) is the most cost-effective pain relief, and told me a lot of other more expensive creams are not necessary (at least for my situation - and I have severe arthritis in my big toe joint from a sports injury).

Voltaren (gel - not tablets) to reduce inflammation.

Eucalyptus based creams and oils - 'Bosisto's Eucalyplus Rub' and 'Elmore Oil'.

I have found that the process of thoroughly massaging the creams and oils in for a decent period of time every day helps cure tendonitis and myofacial tissue problems. I believe the massaging itself is very helpful.

I sometimes also apply physical heat, and I use a full sized hot water bottle so it stays hot for a long time.

I don't have a medical background - I'm a computer geek - so the above is not medical advice, but it works for me.
Re: Foot Pain in Dancers
Posted by prak
10/12/2022  4:13:00 PM
bad shoes cause lots of issued. I have found silicone gel pads that attach to the *feet* are the best solution inside of shoes that cause issues. For eg, I foolishly bought cheap ballroom shoes on DSOL. I can feel the floor through the balls of the feet, an the heels sound like a badly-shod horse. But if I wear gel pads, I can dance in them for 3 hours or more. If I *don't* wear the pads, my feet *hurt* after 3+ hours.

My latin shoes are beautiful internationals. They don't hurt.

But proper shoes. Get them in leather if you're a man, because leather (unlike fake leather) molds to your feet and holds you properly.

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