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Dancing with the Stars
Posted by kelly
6/3/2005  11:39:00 AM
I watched the show with a few of my students. Everyone agreed that the two coreographers need to go. THe woman told Rachel Hunter she had good feet. We all burst out laughing. I checked out the info on the ABC website and the ballroom judge stated that he was not loking for technique. That's good. We all know that it takes years to obtain good footwork. All in all the performances were good. Very entertaining. I thought the weaknesses in the celebrity dancers was directly related to the pros over dancing them. One good point was the fact that they said the couples had trained 4 hours a day for the 5 week period. It lets the public know how hard we work on our art/sport.
Can't wait for next week. Who do you think the first couple to go will be.
Re: Dancing with the Stars
Posted by Anonymous
6/3/2005  11:52:00 AM
Takes years to obtain good footwork? Sure, if that's how long you expect it to take.

In reality it can be taught in a month or two, if you actualy teach it.

But that kind of teaching wouldn't be compatible with this kind of showbiz
Re: Dancing with the Stars
Posted by Laura
6/3/2005  11:55:00 AM
I really enjoyed it and thought it was cute.

I think that Kelly Monaco should be the first to go, just because she looked so damn terrified, but her fans will not let that happen. I was looking at the discussion board over on ABC and her fans are rabidly upset that the judges were so "mean" to her (Mean??? In dancesport terms these people were really REALLY nice). So, I'll bet Kelly will get enough audience votes to stay.

I wasn't very thrilled with Trista either, and think that the producers portraying Louis as "the bad boy" isn't going to help them either. People might vote them out just because they don't respond well to how Louis was presented.

I think the worst dancer by far was Evander, but he was also so sweet and had such a gung-ho attitude and Edyta is sooooo gorgeous that I bet they'll be around for a while.

Remember folks: this is a popularity contest much more than it is a dance competition!
Re: Dancing with the Stars
Posted by Anonymous
6/3/2005  12:11:00 PM
Few of the problems are really the fault of the stars - they are just doing what their teachers told them to (or did not sufficiently tell them not to). The real problem is with the teachers, or with whoever ordered them to teach the foolish things most of them did.
Re: Dancing with the Stars
Posted by operabob
6/3/2005  6:38:00 PM
The reality is that had the teachers taught them syllabus the general audience would have been asleep by the first commercial.

I thought it was all great fun in the same sense as Wrestling is to Sport. Just entertainment.

It's not dancing. It's entertainment. So perhaps choreographers are better choices as judges in this case.

The "flowers" comment was bang on.

Bring on the Paso! (O'Hurley's a lock!)

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